Robbs Flat School


Fire Weather Watch issued March 9 at 3:17AM MDT until March 10 at 7:00PM MDT by NWS Rapid City SD...FIRE WEATHER WATCH FROM 10 AM TO 7 PM MDT/11 AM TO 6 PM CDTMONDAY FOR GUSTY WINDS AND LOW HUMIDITY FOR THE NORTHWEST AND WESTCENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA PLAINS....Warm and dry weather will continue across the region on Monday.Breezy westerly winds will develop in the late morning astemperatures warm, with relative humidities possibly dropping to15 to 20 percent. Then a dry cold front will cross the area in theafternoon. While some some increases to the relative humidity arepossible behind the front, stronger northwest winds are alsoexpected, with gusts to 50 to 60 mph. These conditions may resultin critical to near-critical fire weather conditions.The National Weather Service in Rapid City has issued a FireWeather Watch for gusty winds and low relative humidity, which isin effect from Monday morning through Monday evening.* AFFECTED AREA...Fire Weather Zones 323 Northern Foot Hills,324 Eastern Foot Hills, 325 Custer County Plains, 327 ButteCounty Area, 328 Perkins County, 329 West Central Plains, 330Ziebach County, 331 Haakon County Area and 332 Badlands Area.* WINDS...West 25 to 40 mph with gusts up to 60 mph.* RELATIVE HUMIDITY...As low as 15 percent.* IMPACTS...The combination of gusty winds and low relativehumidity would produce critical fire weather conditions.A Fire Weather Watch means that critical fire weather conditionsare forecast to occur. Listen for later forecasts and possibleRed Flag Warnings.

National Weather Service

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