Mission Bay


Red Flag Warning issued October 15 at 8:44PM PDT until October 19 at 5:00PM PDT by NWS San Francisco CA...RED FLAG WARNING NOW IN EFFECT THURSDAY NIGHT THROUGH SATURDAYEVENING FOR THE BAY AREA AND CENTRAL COAST AS STRONG OFFSHOREWINDS AND CRITICALLY DRY CONDITIONS ARE EXPECTED TO DEVELOP....Gusty north-northeast winds are expected to develop as an"inside slider" system moves into the Great Basin this weekend.Humidities will still be on the higher end at the start of theevent on Thursday, but are expected to quickly dry out as low as10% Friday and Saturday. Peak winds are expected overnightThursday night into Friday morning for the North Bay and BayArea. Most areas across the region will be affected to somedegree, with likely exceptions being the immediate Big Sur coast,Monterey Bay coast, and the Marin/Sonoma coast. Winds largely onthe order of 25-35 mph can be expected with gusts to 45 mph...isolated gusts to 65 mph across the highest terrain andridgetops, most notably the North Bay Interior Mountains and theDiablo Range.* AFFECTED AREA...Fire Weather Zone 006 San Francisco, FireWeather Zone 502 Marin Coastal Range, Fire Weather Zone 503Sonoma Coastal Range, Fire Weather Zone 504 North Bay InteriorMountains, Fire Weather Zone 506 North Bay Interior Valleys,Fire Weather Zone 508 San Francisco Bay Shoreline, FireWeather Zone 509 San Francisco Peninsula Coast, Fire WeatherZone 510 East Bay Interior Valleys, Fire Weather Zone 512Santa Cruz Mountains, Fire Weather Zone 513 Santa Clara ValleyIncluding San Jose, Fire Weather Zone 514 Eastern Santa ClaraHills and Fire Weather Zone 515 East Bay Hills.* TIMING...11 PM Thursday until 5 PM Saturday* WINDS...North 10 to 20 mph with gusts up to 45 mph.* RELATIVE HUMIDITY...As low as 12 percent.* LIGHTNING...None.* IMPACTS...The combination of gusty winds and low humidity cancause fire to rapidly grow in size and intensity. Outdoorburning is not recommended. Despite recent cool weather andhigh humidity, we are expecting a widespread and prolongedoffshore wind event which will likely dry fuels out veryquickly given their volatility over the past several weeks.A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditionsare either occurring now...or will shortly. A combination ofstrong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures cancontribute to extreme fire behavior.

National Weather Service

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