Red Flag Warning issued January 18 at 12:54PM PST until January 21 at 10:00PM PST by NWS San Diego CAThe National Weather Service in San Diego has issued a Red FlagWarning for strong gusty winds and low relative humidity, which isin effect from 10 AM Monday to 10 PM PST Tuesday. The FireWeather Watch is no longer in effect.* WINDS...Northeast and east winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts 40 to50 mph, locally over 60 mph in mountain passes and canyons.Highest winds Monday night and Tuesday morning.* RELATIVE HUMIDITY...As low as 5 percent, lowest on Tuesday.* IMPACTS...If fire ignition occurs, conditions are favorablefor rapid fire spread and extreme fire behavior.* LOCATION...San Bernardino and Riverside County Valleys -TheInland Empire, San Diego County Inland Valleys, San BernardinoCounty Mountains-Including The Mountain Top And Front CountryRanger Districts Of The San Bernardino National Forest,Riverside County Mountains-Including The San Jacinto RangerDistrict Of The San Bernardino National Forest, Santa AnaMountains-Including The Trabuco Ranger District of theCleveland National Forest, San Diego County Mountains-Including The Palomar And Descanso Ranger Districts of theCleveland National Forest, San Gorgonio Pass Near Banning andOrange County Inland Areas.A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditionsare either occurring now....or will shortly. A combination ofstrong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures cancontribute to extreme fire behavior.
National Weather Service
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