
Flood Watch issued March 10 at 12:33PM PDT until March 13 at 6:00PM PDT by NWS Los Angeles/Oxnard CA* WHAT...Flash flooding and debris flows caused by excessiverainfall are possible.* WHERE...Much of Los Angeles and Ventura Counties (below 5,000 to6,000 feet), and the Santa Barbara County South Coast includingthe Santa Ynez Range. Higher concern for recent burn scars withinthe watch area.* WHEN...From Wednesday evening through Thursday afternoon.* IMPACTS...Potential for heavy rain over the burn scars may triggerhazardous and damaging flooding and debris flows. Flooding mayalso occur in poor drainage and urban areas.* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...- Peak rates of 0.5 to 0.75 inch/hr are possible, with a 10 to20 percent chance rates of 1.0+ inch/hr (due to thunderstormsor heavy showers).- should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible FloodWarnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be preparedto take action should flooding develop.
National Weather Service
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