

Rainfall : from 40 to 60 mm/24h. Watercourses may flood the exposed parts of agricultural areas, individual roads and parts of settlements. Debris may clog individual objects of water infrastructure and stem the water flow. Landslides are possible. Disturbances in traffic and electricity and drinking water supply are probable, as well. Raised groundwater levels may cause extensive floods in low lands. Lower parts of buildings can be flooded.Before the event: If you live in a flood zone, remove food, movable assets, documents, money and other valuables from lower floors and cellars.During and after the event: Before leaving your home, turn off electricity and shut off gas and water pipes. Do not attempt to cross a watercourse where water reaches up to your knees. Do not attempt to cross flooded roads by car. Do not approach riverbanks. Do not consume fresh food that has been in contact with the floodwater. Do not drink water until notified that it is safe to do so, and especially do not drink well water. Do not use electric installations and appliances that have been flooded. Follow the information broadcast by competent services and bodies.


Maximum wind speed : from 50 to 70 km/h. Wind sways trees and may break smaller branches.Doors and windows should be kept closed. We recommend additional caution in traffic, especially in crosswinds and in exposed areas (e.g. bridges, cuttings). Do not linger in potentially dangerous areas.


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22 m/s


21 m/s

Mont Aigoual

21 m/s


20 m/s