A polar low will form late Sunday morning between C4 and C5 and move southeast, and is expected to hit the coast on Sunday afternoon. Periods of strong gale force 9 is expected along the coast and exposed fjord areas, initially from the northwest and later from the north. The polar low is expected to weaken by Sunday evening. Abrupt change in wind speed and wind direction. It can be difficult to navigate due to snow, blowing snow and reduced visibility. Some journeys may have longer travel time. It can be locally difficult driving conditions due to heavy snowfall in combination with wind.Be aware of abrupt weather changes. Avoid unnecessary journeys to exposed places. Consider whether the journey is necessary. Check road reports (
Locally moderate icing on ships in exposed coastal and fjord areas. Rapid ice accumulation on a small boat may cause it to lose its stability, tip over and sink. For ships the issue is more directed towards slippery decks, handrailing, ladders, iced down safety boats and safety equipment. Ice accumulation may also damage radio communication if the antennas are freezing. Moderate ice accumulation on the bow/bridge of the ship.Remove ice from the boat.
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