

On the night to 01.10. locally ar temperature will be around 0°, in a height of a grass in many places ground frost 0…-2° is expected. BE AWARE of upcoming frost!Frost can cause damage to non-hardy plant species! If necessary, take plant protection measures that reduce the impact of frost, such as covering plants or watering them in the evening before the expected frost.


Until 01.10.2024. locally in the south-eastern regions high risk of forest fires remains. BE AWARE of high risk of fire in forests and bush areas!Be careful near forests and bushes - do not light bonfires, do not use pyrotechnics. Think about how to extinguish and dispose the cigarette butts and flammable liquids or objects - do not allow them to get in the forest or bushes!When working in the forest or bush area, follow all work safety and fire safety regulations.If you notice a fire, immediately notify the rescue service!Read more about what to do in case of a forest fire https://www.vugd.gov.lv/lv/ka-rikoties-meza-ugunsgreka-gadijuma !


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