Dec 20 in late evening and Dec 21 at night air temperature falling bellow 0°C, roads wet surfaces freezing and becoming slippery. Dec 21 before noon southwest, south wind increasing in gusts up to 17 m/s. During day air temperature rising, snow and sleet changing to rain. High risk of glaze ice.
Estonia weather Service
Dec 20 in late evening and Dec 21 at night air temperature falling bellow 0°C, roads wet surfaces freezing and becoming slippery. Dec 21 before noon southwest, south wind increasing in gusts up to 17 m/s. During day air temperature rising, snow and sleet changing to rain. High risk of glaze ice.
Estonia weather Service
ВетерОжидается местами усиление ветра 15-17 м/с.
Hydrometcenter of Russia
Гололедно - изморозевое отложениеМестами ожидается гололед.
Hydrometcenter of Russia
Налипание мокрого снега.Местами ожидается налипание мокрого снега.
Hydrometcenter of Russia
Mitt vær
Været akkurat nå
+39,1 °C
+37,9 °C
+36,9 °C
+35,4 °C